
Sunday, May 20, 2018

The Awokening

Wow! It has been over a year since my last post. Many of the five people who read my blog have lamented the loss of tales of inept farming combined with self-indulgent stories of my life. I am sorry to let you down. I just haven't had it in me.  Over the past year and a half I became the mother of REAL teenagers; not adorable 13 year olds who have not yet gone through puberty and still want to hang out with you on the weekend, but rather the teenagers that don't want to talk to you but do manage to return texts when they need you to drive them to the movies or pick them up from a friend's house.

I have also been suffering from PTTSD (Post Traumatic Trump Stress Disorder) but sadly, it is not post. I am still in the thick of it and have thrown myself into all things political including my own run for Town Council.  I lost.  Oh Emily's List, where were you when I needed you?

Just as I was done licking those wounds, good old Harvey came toppling down and I realized I wasn't as woke as I thought I was.  The stories of the women he threatened and assaulted rang a distinct bell from my time trying to build a movie career in the 90's.  I never thought twice about being told the agency didn't need a woman director because they already had one or pretending to be flattered  in order to avoid being called a bitch or worse, when creepy handsy men in powerful positions complimented me on my looks.

 Holy shit the Weinstein domino effect was a wake up call!  I paraded around my house in a pink pussy hat taking every opportunity to lecture the men in the house about the chauvinistic mysoginistic storylines of any movie, book, video game, song or sporting event they seemed to be enjoying.  Nothing was spared from my wrath.

"I don't know what a bustier is mom, but I agree it is ridiculous that Wonder Woman is running around in heels even though she is an Amazon.  Can we just watch the movie?"

"All the characters in Fortnite wear tight clothes mom, not just the women."

"You are right mom, my history class is pretty heavy on the dudes.  Can I go back to studying for my AP Euro test now?"

"Well if there was a WNBA game on now I would watch it but it is the NBA finals.  No, I didn't realize how much more money the male players made."

Have you seen "16 Candles" lately?  The revelation that Jake is really a dick who encourages a man child  to have sex with his passed out girlfriend broke my 17 year old heart and fueled my 50 year old rage.  And god bless my husband when he thought he was showing solidarity for my righteous feminism by suggesting I see "Red Sparrow" because the women were tough.  The one good thing about that conversation is that I online friended a very impressive young film reviewer from the Hollywood Reporter who shared my horror at his recommendation.

So... How could I go back to writing about the Farmette 2.0 when the world is going to hell in a hand basket?  The answer to that philosophical question is, because the world is going to hell in a hand basket and it will probably help my overall demeanor to write about the misadventures of a woke feminist farmer.  There's a whole new batch of chickens, a new dog, and more, so the five of you who read this, please stay tuned.