
Friday, June 28, 2013

Now for Something Really Important

Phew!  What a week!  The Supreme Court decided same sex couples can legally marry, but many minorities and poor people probably can't legally vote anymore.  (I guess we can't have too many people having rights all at once. ) The Senate passed the Immigration Bill, but since the House is coming up with their "own" Bill and the Supreme Court has voted against Voters' Rights, it kind of doesn't matter.  And then out of nowhere this 2013 Mrs. Smith Goes to Washington becomes the face of all that is good and fair in the state of Texas.

Now that all of this trivial news has cycled through, it is time for some news that matters, namely, my flower boxes.

Every April I am determined to grow a beautiful English flower garden in the backyard and every June as the lone Dahlia out of the dozens I planted sways in the wind behind a sea of wild raspberry and goldenrod that somehow appeared overnight, I hate the farmette.

Thanks to my friends at Mount Vision Garden Center, I feel a little less of a failure every summer as I stuff some annuals into the flower boxes on the deck.  I am taking bets as to how long those hanging plants will last and whether the cats or the dogs will be responsible for their demise.  My money is on the kittens, but the husband says dogs in three days.  Did I mention he doesn't like the dogs?

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